City of San Rafael Fire Station No. 52
& Training Center

The City proposes to replace the existing Fire Station No. 52, the Fire Department’s Training Tower and Training Classroom at its existing site. The existing site is address 210 3rd Street, with an area approximately 28, 822 Sq. Ft.
The proposed 10,864 SF, two-story fire station will house five on-duty fire fighters in a 24-hour shift.
A second building on the site is a new four-story training tower to replace the existing four-story tower being demolished. The 3,322 SF pre-engineered building is located at the south/east corner of the site and provides a variety of training scenario opportunities for the City of San Rafael Fire Department and other adjacent fire departments.
The third building on the site is a replacement training classroom of 1,205 SF. This building is located at the South/West corner of the site and provides a training classroom for 24 personnel.
Location – San Rafael, CA
Const. Budget – $7.7 Million
Phase – Schematic Design Phase